
Build the career of your dreams abroad

The BBA – Bachelor of Business Administration – is a 4-year course based on Anglo-Saxon teaching methods. At ISC Paris, we have added an innovation: the Action Learning (it means learning by doing). This international degree is primarily based on the fundamentals of management and business. It trains you to become tomorrow’s experts on strategic issues and future challenges for companies, in France and abroad.

An international degree

The ISC Paris BBA is taught entirely in English. It is a professionalizing program. It trains students for a variety of careers in business, whether working for companies, embarking on entrepreneurship or pursuing studies in specialized fields such as marketing or finance. All the teaching staff come from the business world and are highly qualified. The first two years are a core curriculum, after which you can choose a specialization.

Discover management and business

The ISC Paris BBA explores the vast fields of management and business. Through a wide range of courses, students discover how to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Economics, communication, management, finance and more are covered to help students understand how organizations work. Social and ethical issues revolving around topical subjects such as well-being in the workplace, sustainable development and the digital transition are also studied through practical and theoretical exercises.

International training

The strength of the ISC Paris BBA lies in its international network and its openness to the world. Each student creates an individual pathway by choosing a speciality and studying abroad. An exchange year is offered to those who wish to do so. ISC Paris has a network of 73 partner universities in nearly 40 countries. This is an opportunity to learn about other working methods and to open up to diverse cultures. It is a highly rewarding experience.

Become an expert in a field

The ISC Paris BBA is a 4-year post-graduate degree that provides you with personalized training in the discovery of new fields. Students come from all over the world and are immersed in a network rich in different cultures and encounters. In the final year, you can choose from two specializations:

Sustainability Operation Management

Become an Innovation Manager, an Innovation Officer, a Sustainable Development Manager, … . The BBA Sustainability Operation Management trains you to become experts in CSR. You will work with companies to find the best answers to their social issues. You will learn to deploy an ethical model that can be adapted economically and logistically to each organization, with the aim of having a positive impact on society.

Digital Operations Management

Become a data analyst, an e-commerce or digital project manager, an operations manager, … . The BBA in Digital Operations Management trains you to support companies in their digital transformation. You will learn how to optimize their e-commerce performance and financially manage the organization’s activities. You will play a full part in developing strategies for some of the world’s biggest companies. 

Apply now to become tomorrow’s expert and play a key role in international companies.
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