
EMBA program of ISC Paris Group ranked in the QS 2021

ISC and QS ranking in 2021

The EMBA program of ISC Paris Group, deployed in Shanghai, makes it into the QS 2021 Executive MBA ranking.

176 programs around the world are included in the ranking this year, in which 27 come from the Asia-Pacific region and only 12 French business schools are included.

The EMBA of ISC Paris Group, which has three international accreditations (AACSB, AMBA and BGA), stands out in the “Executive Profile” criterion, where it is ranked 2nd globally and 1st in Asia.

This criterion takes into account:

    • the average number of years of professional experience
    • management experience
    the percentage of students holding senior management positions

Ranking methodology

The QS ranking is an annual ranking of the best Executive MBAs in the world.

The ranking takes into account:

– The career development of EMBA graduates: average salary increase, job evolution 12 months after the end of their program

– Diversity: percentage of women in the program, number of different nationalities

– Employer reputation: select the business schools whose graduates are most attractive for employers

– Profile of professionals: average number of years of professional experience, management experience, percentage of candidates in senior management positions

– Academic recognition of the school: questionnaire sent to faculty members to select the schools they consider excellent for research in their field of expertise.