Royal Godwill

Paris Campus

Interview DBA student : Royal Godwill

Can you introduce yourself and share with us your academic and professional background?

My name is Royal Godwill. At undergraduate level, I studied Applied Chemistry and Chemical  Engineering in Nigeria. And did a Master in Business Administration (MBA ) at the Bradford University. I worked as a Process Fluids Analyst at TotalEnergies EP Nigeria Limited and later in Public Affairs and Government Relations in the same company before I retired on 11 April 2022.

Why did you choose the DBA Program of ISC Paris Business School? 

When I decided to do a DBA program, I looked at the curriculums of Business Schools in Europe offering the DBA program and settled for ISC Paris Business School because of the structure and content of the program as advertised on the website of the school. Most importantly, the level of accreditation of the program by top accreditation agencies in Management studies like the AACSB, AMBA and EFMD/MASTER.

Can you tell us about your experience as a student at ISC Paris Business School?

My experience started with the video interview I had with the Director of the program, Prof Karim BEN SLIMANE, as part of the eligibility assessment for admission into the program. He was very warm and friendly and explained clearly to me the content and structure of the program. Following my acceptance into the program, from my first lecture in Theoretical Perspectives in Strategic Management to the Research Design Workshops, the quality of the content, depth and delivery of the courses in the program became very evident and interesting.

Can you tell us what you have learned during your first semester?

In the first semester starting on 1 December 2021, I have learnt 10 different courses in the Theoretical Perspectives in Strategic Management of business. These include topics in Strategy, Business Models, The Resource Based View of competitive advantage, Core competences in organizations, Strategic Alliance formation, International Business Strategies and Stakeholders & Legitimacy Theories, etc. Within the first semester, we have had a cumulative learning time of 30 hours, exploring several theories and insights in Strategic Business Management and another 30 hours of Research Design Workshop.

Why would you recommend the ISC Paris DBA  program to future students? 

For prospective students who want to understand the principles and practice of Business Management at the highest level, ISC Paris Business School is the place to study. The course content, structure and teaching methodologies by the lecturers are very appropriate for a DBA program. It will enable you to appreciate and complement your field experience at work and the academic theories that underpin most successful business practices in organizations.