Editor :

In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the publisher of the site preprod.iscparis.com is: INSTITUT SUPERIEUR COMMERCE PARIS

Institut Supérieur Commerce Paris offers the programs of the ISC Paris Grande École brand and those of the ISC Paris Global Programs brand offered on the Paris campus

  • SIREN number : 784713513
  • SIRET number : 78471351300025
  • VAT number : FR21784713513

22, bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris

01 40 53 99 99

Contact : webmaster@iscparis.com

Publication Director : Jean-Christophe HAUGUEL, general manager

ISCD offers the programs of the ISC Paris Global Programs brand : DBA, MBA, MSc & BBA

  • SIREN number : 484981071
  • SIRET number : 48498107100026
  • Numéro TVA Intracommunautaire : FR67484981071

ISC PARIS Campus Orléans offers the programs of the ISC Paris Grande École brand et those of ISC Paris Global Programs brand managed on the Orléans campus

  • SIREN number : 845188689
  • SIRET number : 84518868900010
  • VAT number : FR47845188689

Access to the information on this website is subject to these terms of use, which apply to all content on the domain iscparis.com and groupeisc.com, or any domain that serves as an alias for this same content. We recommend that you read this information carefully. Bu accessing and using our website, you agree to abide by these conditions. For information concerning the collection, use, and storage of user information, please see our Privacy Policy. This document does not apply to the conditions of your access to ISC Paris as a student, or to your class, lecture (etc.) registrations, which are governed by a separate set of documents provided to you prior to those registrations.

1. Intellectual and industrial property:

All content on this website, including texts, still or animated images, databases, programs, CGI, etc. is the exclusive property of ISC Paris or its authorized agents, and is protected by copyright and by all other intellectual or industrial property rights. All rights not expressly mentioned in this document are withheld from you.

2. Use of this site’s content:

Via this document, ISC Paris grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferrable license for an indefinite period of time. It may be revoked at any time for no specific reason, and allows you to access, display, download for the purpose of displaying, and print a copy of the content posted on the site, on one and only one computer, and for the purposes of your personal, internal business, as long as you do not alter the site’s content in any manner, and as long as you maintain all information about the content’s origin and the rights to the content that exists on the site. Printing on paper is authorized for the private, exclusive use of the person making the copy, as defined by Article L. 122-5, 2nd paragraph of the French Code of Intellectual Property. Hyperlinks without frames are authorized on the site, if the hyperlink leads to the site’s home page, to the exclusion of any other address. The site has a function that allows you to explicitly send certain pieces of content via electronic mail. You are responsible for your use of this functionality; it is intended exclusively for private correspondence, and specifically may not be used to send content to a distribution list. You are prohibited from reproducing, modifying, distributing, transmitting, posting, or revealing the site’s content without advance written approval from ISC Paris.

3. Messages published by users:

You declare, accept, and guarantee that ISC Paris holds the right to use, publish, and exploit all information that you post or publish in any manner whatsoever on the site, without restrictions. For information on personally-identifiable information, and the protection and use thereof, please see our Privacy Policy.

4. Third-party sites:

The Site includes links to third-party websites that you have the option to use. ISC Paris is not responsible for the content of those sites, nor for their terms of use, nor for their conditions for the use of personally-identifiable information.

5. Personal access code:

Only Site users who have a personal and confidential access code provided by ISC Paris are authorized to access the restricted areas of the Site. You are responsible for proper use of the Site, in accordance with this contract. You must ensure that no other person accesses the Site. If you become aware that someone else has accessed the Site, you must inform ISC Paris immediately of this violation, and you must confirm the information by certified letter. In the event of a dispute, the parties agree that ISC Paris’ demonstration of information recorded on ISC Paris’ servers about the Site’s use, and specifically the user’s personal access codes, will be legally valid upon both parties.

6. Exclusion of liability:

The information provided on the Site may be changed without warning. ISC Paris does not guarantee that this information is true, complete, or adequate, or that ISC Paris has verified the information. All information provided on the Site is provided for informational purposes only. ISC Paris recommends that you consult a professional, and that you complete the information provided by you. ISC Paris disclaims all liability resulting from use of the information contained on the Site, and disclaims all liability resulting from negligence or any other factors concerning this information. ISC Paris does not guarantee that the Site will function without errors or in an uninterrupted manner.

7. Applicable law and jurisdiction:

This website was created in France. By using this Site, you agree to the conditions of use listed above, notwithstanding any contractual or criminal recourse against ISC Paris. Any dispute related to the interpretation or execution of a contractual commitment specified on this website will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts, and French law will apply.
Unless otherwise stated, all content is the intellectual property of ISC Paris.
© 2023 ISC PARIS
All rights reserved

8. Personal data

ISC Paris is committed to complying with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and with France’s online privacy laws when collecting and processing your data.


ISC Paris and its representatives or agents in France and worldwide, hereinafter collectively referred to as ISC Paris, acknowledge the need to protect personally-identifiable, or indirectly personally-identifiable data that you provide by using the Site. Users must be informed of and understand the conditions for collecting and using this information. Notwithstanding your rights as acknowledged by France’s “computer privacy” law, by providing information to us, you agree that ISC Paris may use this information as described in this document, and as indicated when the information is collected. Please read our Site Use Conditions for more information on using this site.

Information collected

ISC Paris collects personally-identifiable information on certain parts of the Site, if the user registers, requests copies of the information and publications, registers for conferences or newsletters, participates in surveys, lists, discussion forums, etc. You are informed of the data collected and the mandatory or optional nature of providing that data, through the information that is displayed when your data is requested on the Site. Personally-identifiable information may consist of a unique access identifier and contact information such as first name, last name, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers. We may occasionally ask you to provide us with optional information that will allow us to better understand our Site visitors and their preferences. ISC Paris encourages users to provide this information in order to help us keep our Site content relevant to our users’ interests and needs.

Use of information

You are informed of the use of the data collected through information provided when the aforementioned data is collected on the Site. The information collected is required by ISC Paris, in order to allow you to access the Site and its functions. ISC Paris also uses this personally-identifiable information to measure the Site’s use by visitors, and to help us improve our Site’s content and functionality. The e-mail addresses provided during registration allow us to send you e-mail messages alerting you to the publication of new content that relates to the areas of interest that you have informed us of. If you do not wish to receive these alerts, you have the option to indicate this when you register. You may also, at a later date, ask to stop having these alerts sent at any time, using the instructions indicated in the e-mails that you receive. ISC Paris uses personally-identifiable information collected by cookies and IP addresses as indicated below.

Cookies and ip addresses

Cookies are small files that certain websites store on the user’s hard disk when the user visits the site. This Site uses cookies to facilitate the process of providing passwords. By accepting our cookies, information concerning your password is stored, and a registered user can thus access certain pages on the Site without having to re-register each time. ISC Paris recommends that access to your computer be secured so that unauthorized persons cannot use the Site using your personal login and password. ISC Paris also keeps IP addresses (a computer’s location on the internet), in order to help diagnose problems that might affect our server, and to administer the Site, and for security reasons.

9. Providing information to third parties

ISC Paris does not provide personally-identifiable information concerning you to third parties, except in the following cases:

  1. To ISC Paris’ representatives and authorized agents in France and worldwide;
  2. If ISC Paris is required to provide this information in the context of a legal, regulatory, or administrative proceeding of any country, state, or other authorized legal jurisdiction of any type whatsoever;
  3. If, at ISC Paris’ sole discretion, this communication is required to protect ISC Paris’ Site, or to protect its management committee or faculty;
  4. Non-personally-identifiable aggregated information may be sent to the Site’s sponsors, to allow them to describe the demographics of Site users who see the sponsor’s logos on the Site;
  5. The information that you post or publish on the Site, in discussion forums, survey responses, etc., which are made accessible to the public on the Site.

10. External links:

This Site includes links to third-party websites. Please note that we do not monitor nor are we responsible for the information collection practices of those third-party websites. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with those website’s conditions for collecting and using personally-identifiable information before sending them any information.

11. Right to access, correct, and delete

You have the right to access, correct, update, and delete any personally-identifiable information. You have the right to unsubscribe from distribution lists or to terminate your registration on the Site, by following the information included on the Site’s registration page. Alternatively, you may send an e-mail to webmaster@iscparis.com to exercise your right to access and correct your information as allowed by law.

12. Consent

By using this Site, you agree to have your personally-identifiable data collected and processed under the conditions and for the purposes defined in this policy and in our Site Use Conditions. We have the option to amend these documents when necessary, and we will direct your attention to the changes that have been made.

If you have questions on our Privacy Policy or the Site’s practices, please e-mail us at webmaster@iscparis.com.